Phant! is dead, no longer maintained, history.
It was a great time for us, we learned a lot, met some good people and we'd like to thank everyone, who contributed to Phant! in the past 7 years.
Special thanks go to
Swix (our provider, which supported us all the time for free),
Couleur 3,
WoZ and
hugo, they all supported us in one way or the other.
We headed forward to new projects,
chregu is running his own company
Bitflux and still codes a lot.
blup is
working at
Migros and is responsible that you get your daily food and drink ;)
If you are looking for concert and party dates, head over to our friends from, they have their own
events calendar, which is quite extensive and updated.
If you want to share something with us, then just write a mail to